Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My new blog!

I've tried to keep blogs in the past, but they never turn into anything I would show anyone. But this time, with the inspiration from some friends, i've decided to blog about my little creations I find myself making whenever I get bored. Also, about basically anything that interests me. I have been really productive with the crafts lately, So i'll start with some of those :)

The first is a chalkboard table.

The nice thing about my random projects that I take on is that my mom has collected a mini Michael's store in our basement, so I don't have to spend much on supplies for my projects. I did this table completely for free just with products I found around the house.

The supplies I needed for this project were:

End tables (found at walmart)
Different color's of paint
A pencil
Paint Brushes
Chalkboard Paint

First, I started out by sanding down the old table, and then wiping it with a damp cloth to get off all the dust.

(Sorry for the gross top of this table, as you can see it REALLY needed to be painted.)

Next, I painted the top surface with the chalkboard paint. It only took one layer of the paint to cover it.

Then my friend Renee helped me paint the legs of the table pink, after it dried we decided to add polka dots with white paint, which I used the eraser of a pencil to make.

We let it dry overnight, and then it was done! Super easy, and very cheap to do. The chalkboard paint really works too!

I think I've definitely started a trend with myself for painting furniture I just have laying around! In total it took around a half hour from start to finish to complete one table. I'll post more on painted furniture once I finish the projects I started but haven't completed yet! :)

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