Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Break and all it's adventures.

Right now, my winter break is coming to a close pretty fast, and I must say it's been a pretty good one this time. I've put the past in the past, and focused solely on the things/people in my life that matter. Seems to be working out pretty well so far. My mom always told me that it's not the quantity of something in your life, it's the quality. And I guess maybe that's what I've been living by lately, either way I've been happier this past month than I have in awhile.

For the holiday's this year, I bought my mom tickets to go see Wicked on Christmas Eve. She always says how much she loves broadway, so she was really excited that we got to go this year. It was at the Detroit Opera House, which I had never been to, and if you haven't either I would highly recommend going to see something there. They have parking right across the street (For an annoying-ly high price of $25) But it's gorgeous on the inside, and it has that mystery that any old building has.

We decided to make it a new tradition to go see a show on Christmas Eve. It was really fun, and started at one, so it was the perfect time. On Christmas day, we went over to my aunt's house and spent some time with them. Not much to say about it, pictures do it justice :)

My mom and I on Christmas

My mom and my aunt

My cousin Ethan, and his wife Stacy's dog, Diesel. Rocking his infamous Santa costume

My great-aunt Harriet opening her presents.

Our dog, Bentley opening up his stocking. He loved it.

And finally, my little baby Mia. Love her.

The day after Christmas for my family usually revolves around getting packed up to head up north for a week. However, the past few years we haven't had as many people up there as we normally do, and this year we waited a few days after Christmas to go. It was just My aunt and uncle, cousin Hailey, Ethan and Stacy, and their friend Brian up this year. It was kind of nice, but there wasn't any snow! Hopefully next year we will have a few inches at least. Here's some pictures from that trip too.

Our little cabin in the woods :)

One day we decided to drive to "The Chapel" which is a little tiny chapel on the river that is tucked away about five or six miles into the woods. We normally ride snowmobiles out there, but we used driving/walking as an alternative this year. It's a beautiful place, I have no idea how the builders got the supplies there to construct it, because it's long drive out there, and it's literally up hill both ways to get there. However they did it, i'm glad because it's one of my favorite spots up there.

All in all, I'd say it was a successful winter break. I got to see all of my friends and family that I wanted to, and enjoy the time off from classes. Hope you all enjoyed your winter breaks as well!

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