Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Since I haven't done a post in awhile about crafts, I thought i'd update on the crafts i'm currently working on/ have already completed before I started the blog.  The first on is my plaque's. My Aunt Lindsay has the crafter's heaven of a basement. She has a room that is basically a mini Michaels/Joann's/Hobby Lobby, and always encourages us to use whatever, whenever. So one day I while lounging around their house I saw my cousin Hailey creating these cute little plaque's for her apartment. I then decided to do some for myself, and I love them!

How were they made?

We bought the canvas's on sale from hobby lobby for around seven dollars. When we got home, I painted the canvas with their first coat of pink paint, and while that was drying I painted the letter's black. The letters are made out of chip-board, and can be found at any Michael's/Hobby Lobby store. They usually come in a ton of different shapes and sizes (as you can see from the pictures) and some times they are fun to mix and match. 

After painting the letters, I applied a few more coats of pink paint to the canvas, and after it dried, I added a layer of pearl effect paint, Which is why in the close up pictures they look so shiny. After that, I used a machine called a cricut to make the white designs in the back of the letters. 

(The lovely little cricut machine) 

I mod-podged those on to the canvas's, and let dry. Then I used some craft glue to put the letters on the canvas's, and used craft glue to attach all the embellishments too. I think they turned out pretty cute, and They were really easy to put together! 

Another little project I completed at my Aunt Lindsay's was this little masterpiece:

These were really easy to do too, and pretty cheap! We went to Michael's and found the letters for my name, and bought some zebra print wrapping paper. (I would definitely suggest getting tissue paper over wrapping paper though, it's a lot easier to wrap around the letters) 

I put Mod Podge on the front of the letters, and put it on a little square of wrapping paper, then took more mod podge, and drenched the wrapping paper in it so that it would go around the letters, and let dry. 

The only other thing we did was add glitter to some letters, and ribbon with flowers to the others. 

-Hillary <3

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